The other me

The other me

Monday, January 9, 2012

Facebook: From where I see it

1) Multiple refreshes every 15 minutes does not make your news feed any more interesting/not interesting.

2) Having 153 pending friend requests does not mean you are popular, means you are too chicken to reject the requests :D

3) If you want to hide the mushy feelings you harbor for someone, stop going back and liking there pictures from before you were friends.

4) Stop trying to know when you are going to die. It will happen.

5) Liking 10,564 things doesn’t make you a “person with multiple interest”, it means you are easily swayed.

6) Check-in when you return to your home or hostel, is like dressing up to go to the bathroom.

7) Stop posting pictures when you are dressed up in bathroom.

8) Phrases like “awww” or “haww” should be used only as sarcasm, not part of normal conversation.

9) Facebook PDA is like Actual PDA, it grosses out whoever is around.

10) If you have the knack of correcting everyone’s grammar, be a teacher instead.

11) Facebook – The portal via which you access 9gag.

12) May you rot in hell if you reveal movie endings on Facebook.

13) Stop praying for a dislike button. You know you are going to get maximum dislikes if FB has one.

14) Stalking someone is NOT a moral issue. We all do it :D

15) Stop and I mean STOP tagging me on greeting cards, birthday calendars, sale for ladies boutique shop vouchers(I kid you not).

16) If you are stupid enough to click links like “look, what this drunk chick did”; “scandal in bigboss house FT Sunny” then you deserve that virus in your computer.

17) Stop posting seriously gross pic on FB to “create awareness” regarding child abuse, animal cruelty etc etc. Frankly, it hasn’t helped make anyone aware.

18) Fraping is an art. Sadly not everyone who is doing it, is good at it.

19) Once a year “Happy Birthday” is the saddest thing on FB.

20) Your baby pictures should be on your wall please. Not your FB profile pic. I mean seriously! If your were cute now, wouldn't need to right? :P

21) We all use FB to seek attention. Just do a better job at being subtle about it. :D

Hi All,

As always, no offence meant. Just my take on what I see on our beloved FB. Frankly I am guilty of a few of these myself. But I am sure all of us will associate with this and find humour in it the way it is meant to be. Enjoy and suggest a few more if you can spare as well. Would love to see what else is out there.


Monday, January 2, 2012

The Year that was

The Year That Was

New Years always signify beginnings. Well short terms resolutions aside, everyone is a little hopeful. For a better, richer or happier year. I just wish for a simpler year. Last year was significant, was extreme, was the year of great personal tragedy, was the year of stepping into the real world, the year of graduation. But most of all it was a year of learning. There are far too many lessons we ignore everyday or take for granted. We pretend we are in control. Not a hint what the very next moment holds. I learnt many things last year, some of which I would like to share, as we step into a new year. Hopefully this year ahead will be all that you wish. I only wish all of us rise above our petty issues, because life is too beautiful a thing to live with grudges.

1) When you graduate, always remember that day. Because more than a sense of pride, achievement or elation, it will be a sense of retrospection. You gave four glorious years of your life to the university. Look back and see, did you live it to the fullest or did you spend it trying to be someone you are not? Were you always in your comfort zone or did you break free? Did you not do something because you were told you can’t, or did you challenge the status quo? Was there more “whys” or “why nots”? Most importantly did you leave a legacy behind? There is no right or wrong way to go through university. There is just your way or someone else’s. Which one did you chose? When you throw that cap in the air, look back and feel really proud of what you did.

2) The Job- Someone intelligent once said “Find a job that you love and you will never have to work a single day” But be mindful, the love for job is not love at first sight. It will take time. Just give it some. As a moody girlfriend, there will be good days and erm.. very good days (haha no rookie mistakes here for me ;) ) and learn to adapt. As much as we like to believe we are good at something, there is always someone better. In addition if you can just spread some smiles, its added bonus! And remember whatever the situation, you will have a better day when you don’t lose your cool than when you do. If I may, then I will say this, do something different at work, no one stands out for doing the same thing the same way !

3) Love- What do we love? Who do we love? Why do we love? I always believed that love is a very selfish thing. We love something/someone because of the way they make us feel. We meet thousands of different people. Everyone makes us feel differently. But few, very few, make you feel like the beatles song, “All you need is love” ;) Well and it can come from anyone, anywhere when you least expect it and when you do, hold on to that for as long as you can! Be it a friend, a best friend, a special friend, the love of your life or a total stranger. Because not everyone get to get so much love and I for one have been very lucky! So do a bit more loving y’all

4) Dancing- Well last year was pretty significant in terms of dance, Lot of events, lots of dancing and lots of learning. But most importantly dance was a means to touch lives, tell a story, express some heartfelt feelings and to inspire some really fantastic people to dance. These were my wonderful dancers to be precise. It takes a lot to make people trust you and face their fears on that stage. But when the moment ends with a rousing applause it’s all worth it. The amount of respect and pride I got this year, being my last in the university dance scene, was very overwhelming. Still remains one of the best moments ever. But most importantly it gives an immense sense of humility once you are there. Take all the adulation you get, but always always start back at square one

5) Parents – My Dad always said, “If tomorrow you grow up and become a grass cutter, be the best damn grass cutter in the whole wide world” Some impossible mantra that was to live up to, but well was damn fun to try to. He was proud of me I could tell. I am very proud of him. He wasn’t the hero type, but he sure was the best guide and support so I could be one. He gave me a lot of lessons. Class over crass, A simple heart is the best way to attract someone and he told me, If you ever go out with a girl make sure you take her to a good restaurant, ladies like the treatment. Thanks for all the help with the ladies, Dad. We have a lot to talk when we finally meet.

Well I had an eventful year, to say the least. It might very well have a deep impact on going forward. But I will go forward. Each day is a gift. I will not wait till tomorrow to unwrap it. Who knows what might happen tomorrow, who knows if the world is ending this year, Who knows if I can be all that I want to be. Well I know I am alive today and I will do the best to feel alive each and every day. There is no shortage of love in this world; we all just have to rise above our petty issues to see them. He didn’t call me, she talks behind my back, he pesters me when I am not interested in him, She doesn’t reciprocate my feelings, He doesn’t hangout with us, she hates me, I hate him, we are different, we can’t get along Let this not be the year of these issues. Open your hearts a little more, open your arms a little more. I believe no one ever gets up in the morning thinking Today I will spoil someone’s day! So give people a chance, believe in positives. After all being happy is in your hands. Let 2012 begin, I am very excited to see what this year holds for me, good and bad alike. I gotta feeling…that this year will be special.

Here’s wishing all of you a very happy new year! May you get all that you want, may you have the clarity to know what you want. A very happy new year to friends and family. Breathe easy stay happy! :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

To my best dancer...

Finally I get sometime off this semester to myself. With FYP submitted, dance commitments over, two modules only to study for, I dare switch off my brain and just pen my thoughts down. Its been a long and eventful semester. Lots of things happened and lots of memories were etched. However this semester has mostly revolved around my love. Dancing.

A wonderful thing happened yesterday, my beloved dancers gave me this gift which I like to call "my wall of memories". It consisted of lots of photographs and a little note each one of them wrote for me. This entire thing was new and very humbling! I was just a guy dancing through university. But when I read all that they had written for me, I realized, through dance, I had affected them in a way beyond dance. and that suddenly felt like lots of responsibility.

When I started university, all I wanted to do is move! Inaction made me sick! Whatever opportunity I got, I danced :D It was funny how easily I was allowed to dance and choreograph for my first time in Uni. I was there with a paper in hand, with my concepts written down and neatly drawn stick figures for steps. Boy I was prepared! Now when I look back, I see all those were baby steps to reach where I did. But surprisingly I did not realize that I was not walking alone in this. The academic year wasn't reduced to the time between two dance events just for me. So it did for some other people. Finally meandering through lots of events and dances and crazy scheduling, I reached my last T-event. There has been enough said about it so I am not going to delve into that. What I would like is to share with you what went into the creation of it all. After the last year's win, I really hit a road block trying to come up with some sort of theme or general structure of our next performance. What could I construct that would give me fulfillment as a creator and make it challenging enough for the dancers? Their ability to pull it off was never a question because that was my only job. To make them move like they never thought possible. But it is easy to move a limb or two, it was a gargantuan task to try and move their mind. So I thought I planned, I even considered making it "fun" (read easy to do). But then I believed if anyone in the audience could do what my dancers did on stage, I would have failed them. Also around me a beautiful group of wonderfully talented dancers were bonding and being united. For the first time I felt I had to be on my toes, cos they weren't easily impressed, they did not do mediocre, they didn't back down from whatever I threw at them, they were DANCERS. That, right there, is when I knew the theme. Life and times of NUS dancers. They flirted, they loved, they got scared and they celebrated. My vision was a raw canvas and each of them splashed a volley of colours from their own lives to create the abstract pictures. I always thought I was pushing them to do what they are doing. I don't think so anymore. Not when I give you one water break in two hours and you use that time to practice. Not when you have personal issues but you come down and practice leaving the baggage behind. Not when you are broken, injured and in pain and you come up to me and say "let's take that one more time". That right there is what I am proud of. That is how I know you are doing this for your love of dance, for the hunger to move in an absolutely delicious way on that floor. I am immensely passionate about dance. You guys helped me make it even bigger by sharing it with me.

But while I was reading all that you guys had to say about me, I immediately knew this is what I dance for. I would consider myself extremely fortunate if I managed to touch someone's life through dance for a moment. You were 40 of you sharing my dream on the same stage! I cannot begin to thank all of you and say how proud I am of all of you because that would sound like something is ending and most importantly, that would make me sound old. This is just the beginning. All of you have wonderful potential to go on and become awesome on that stage. Remember always what I told you guys, never be satisfied with easy, never back down from a challenge, always take care of each other and remember, before you even begin to consider any dance you might dance or create as your own always remember to dance it for someone else. Dance is a very powerful statement, you move people to tears, you make them smile from the heart and you can make people uncomfortable with it and make them confront their inner fears. If one day you find people are standing up and shouting screaming and cheering your name out, graciously thank them , but still go back and look for the mistakes you made and correct it the next time.

I will leave all my dancers, with this line.

Always remember, You are my best dancer :)


Monday, November 15, 2010

Reading Week..Time to stock up and hibernate :D

Every Semester I look forward to this one week before exams called reading week. This is a highly sophisticated behavior modification trick used by my university to make naive undergraduates believe that the entire semester's work load can be "read" in the "reading" week. Pah! little do they know! Cramming all that into reading week is like asking bhajji to score back to back centuries, Wait he just did exactly that, I meant Sreesanth! :P So yeah I have my own ways of coping with this week, but i would need a little help from you guys! So I would be diving into my notes, but feel free to buzz, ping, poke or fb me only in the following situations

1) You have completed your syllabus and want to show off.

2) You know a way to get me on the dean's list.

3) You are the Dean.

4) PGP has announced free accommodation next year.

5) You are a girl and NOT like gossip girl, don't understand what xoxo means, and are grossed out by vampires or forever weeping doctors! :P

6) You are a guy who thinks am better than you :P (haha trap! )

7) If you have seen the guy serving at Anjappar smile like morning sunshine. (he nvr does!)

8) Obama loves India and decides to conquer it.

9) You are a bollywood director looking for a choreographer for you next.(ya am shallow)

10) If you are my batchmate you can buzz me in the following subcategories

a) You have a photo of Saba, Payodh and Shambhavi together willingly posing for photograph with all their eyes opened! :P

b) If ever Nidhi has a profile pic that isn't beautiful! :P

c) If you can help me get a job! :P

d) If you are secretly dating someone...pls pls pls tell me!

e) If you can convince 10 people to go watch golmaal 3 end of this week! :P

f) If Sahiba is waiting at the back gate for everyone! :P

g) If you are Paaritosh and not living with me nafter graduation! :P

h) If you are Swati and you want to tell me something like "You know how I say you suck..."

i) If there is an A R rehman Song that Shruthi doesn't like! :P

moving on

11) If you can come to me with an idea and I have a better one :P

12) If your last name is jolie, fox, kardashian, bundchen and you want to "see my room" :P

13) If you have vouchers for "Diesel", "Armani" or "Desigual" to give away.

14) If you can hack into the main frame and give me As for all my subjects (special dedication to those from SOC)

15) Lastly If your name is khan and you are a terrorist. :D

Disclaimer: All those with names mentioned are dear friends who i love. No malice is intended whatsoever :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

From MLIA to FML and back.

The university is a great leveler. One moment it makes you wanna prance around proudly as a peacock in heat, while another moment it makes you wanna curl up into a ball and never get up. When they said these will be formative years of your life, no one said what form are we supposed to take. "I have no idea" takes its truest meaning in university. Your greatest highs and your deepest lows are a few days apart. Just when you feel like you have gotten hang of things, perceptions change, concepts change, the ability to change changes! You sit down and make a long list of all that you achieved in university, someone else's is longer. You think you made friends for life yet in your saddest moments you find yourself alone wishing it was raining and you could wash away all things sad. Control is overrated. We hardly control any aspect of our life. I know I don't. But being lost in the crowd is what I am afraid of the most! I am still scared of my weaknesses. Four years have not taught me to deal with them. They have taught me to hide it better. One moment I am dancing, almost in a trance! until reality hits you and you see nothing tangible. The world says you dance? so what! I have tried so hard to be unique that I succeeded, just like anybody else. Being special, is it really necessary? FML?

Do not listen to the pessimist in me, I have also learned to smile when I hit rock bottom because there is just one way and thats up. I have not only dared step out of my comfort zone, I have taken a maverick gypsy holiday far far away from my comfort zone. I have achieved most of what i set out for. Uni forces you to be your own person, I believe that is the best way to learn about yourself. Before I go about answering great mysteries of the people around me I like to solve the one within. Happiness is not subjective. It is definite. It is within. I have heard harsh words, I have had life changing conversations. All in uni. I have made someone cry with laughter, I have made someone laugh while crying. All in uni. I have learnt to hate selflessly and I have learnt to love selfishly. I can sleep peacefully most days thinking I touched someone's life. I find new ways to be happy. I find simpler ways to be happy. I can stop doing whatever I am doing and do something else just because I feet like. I am nerd, I am a noob, I am a jock, I am stud, I am a jerk, I am a gentleman, All in Uni. So if today was bad, tomorrow would be worse. So tomorrow I would say yesterday was great :) this i learnt in Uni. MLIA


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Things I learnt in university..

Okay so I am in year four and since I tend to reflect a lot so here are certain valuable lessons that university taught me outside the classroom (where i was mostly present! ). As i keep learning i will keep updating it!

1. Engineering is not for me. :D

2. I am at my most productive in the afternoons academically and at nights creativity-wise. ;)

3. The gossips I hear are way better than xoxo gossip girl. (no i dont watch it! i swear!) :P

4. Doing something stupid is not optional!

5. Retail therapy begins at nanyang!

6. Friendships change, friends change even faster.

7. Webcasts are false assurances at best.

8. Experience the feeling of walking into an exam hall completely unprepared and still manage a smile.

9. Making innuendos out of thin air IS a talent.

10. Being nice to everybody earns you friends, but doesn't bring you close to anyone.

11. It takes courage to not pass on gossip

12. The words "swear you will not tell to anybody" means you can tell it to your BFF, and they will tell it to theirs and so on so forth.

13. Nothing scandalous you do will remain hidden, nothing!

14. Say something nice to someone random atleast once a day, helps your karma!

15. Do not talk about delhi to delhi ppl (not even praise) or about AR Rehman to ppl from chennai! both get physically violent! :P

16. Everyone has "bahut kaam" whenever you are making plans.

17. Everyone wants you to make plans!

18. No matter how we talk to ladies in our batch, we guys will still form a protective circle around them in clubs when strange men dance too close! :)

19. We talk. A lot

20. Your batchmates get prettier. Every year!

21. Girls do not go to clementi for "shopping" :D

22. You must decide ur preference between buttocks or breasts and defend it vehemently for all four years! :P

23. Very few things excite me as much as dance. Very few

24. Whenever you ask your friends for an outing be prepared with a namelist of ppl who are confirmed coming, everyone will ask "who all coming?"

25. Enjoy dinners at pgp canteens, they are known to bring people closer.

26. Facebook stalking is not only allowed, its encouraged.

27. It is a mutual agreement between both sexes that there are no good looking guys or girls in our batch! :P

28. Couples are socially self sufficient.

29. Singles generally take away food. :P

30. Nobody can be 100% nice.

31. When you meet people and hit it off instantly, hold on to them. They might become special.

32. Everyone needs a hug one time or another.

33. A heart to heart conversation never goes out of fashion.

34. I have grown to love myself. With all my flaws.

PS: These are based on personal experiences. You are free to agree or disagree. :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The freedom of movement...each heartbeat booming.

Okay dance fever hits again! :P Just when I was trying to catch a wink for practice tomorrow. Where is a stage when you need one? :P

My entire passion for dance culminates to these moments, where i feel dizzy with something shaping up in my mind. The feeling of being trapped within your walls, while your mind and soul enjoy the freedom of infinite space. You are helpless, you try and enjoy the process that goes on in your head. But it is never enough. Not when you don't get up and move, move as if your life depends on it. Stand, jump, crouch, turn, twist do something. But alas. I wish to break free now. i want to feel my heartbeat echo inside me. I want to land the step in my mind and when i try i want to fail, i want to get hurt, because it hurts so good. I want to get up and try again. All because I want to dance now and I can't.

But it is not enough to just dance. You want to create magic. Franco Dragone from Cirque du Soleil says "If you don't find one moment of magic in a rehearsal, you have lost an entire day". But the magic doesn't have to be the steps or technique. It could be from a the tiniest events around that could spark something genius. It could be a tired dancer fighting fatigue to land the next step. It could be a perfect dancer giving up. It could be the fear of being lifted. It could be the pain of lifting. It could be stepping up. It could be walking away. All you need is the eye to capture movement from unusual and inexplicable sources. I remember thinking hard about a step which i couldn't quite picture. But then i saw a centipede crawling away. I observed. The fluidity of the motion, they sync of thousand legs, the wave travelling through the body. An idea erupted. and when it does there is again....the rush.

The very nature of progression is to evolve, sometimes to adapt, sometime to overcome. But always always to move forward. Stagnation is indeed the death of an artist. I seek inspiration to create ideas, project images, tell stories and build castles but all through the beauty of dance. I am in as much in love with my ugliness as with my beauty. May I be strong enough to find inspiration even from what i disgust, even from a corroding, dirty, gut churning reality. May I be strong enough to reject the obvious. May I be strong enough to surrender. May I be weak enough to chase victory. Let me not move if each bone, muscle and sinew doesn't force me to move. And let me fall down content, when the time is up.

"With each idea you place on the floor, walk away moved, changed and transformed, but never the same, never conform."
