The other me

The other me

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Year that was

The Year That Was

New Years always signify beginnings. Well short terms resolutions aside, everyone is a little hopeful. For a better, richer or happier year. I just wish for a simpler year. Last year was significant, was extreme, was the year of great personal tragedy, was the year of stepping into the real world, the year of graduation. But most of all it was a year of learning. There are far too many lessons we ignore everyday or take for granted. We pretend we are in control. Not a hint what the very next moment holds. I learnt many things last year, some of which I would like to share, as we step into a new year. Hopefully this year ahead will be all that you wish. I only wish all of us rise above our petty issues, because life is too beautiful a thing to live with grudges.

1) When you graduate, always remember that day. Because more than a sense of pride, achievement or elation, it will be a sense of retrospection. You gave four glorious years of your life to the university. Look back and see, did you live it to the fullest or did you spend it trying to be someone you are not? Were you always in your comfort zone or did you break free? Did you not do something because you were told you can’t, or did you challenge the status quo? Was there more “whys” or “why nots”? Most importantly did you leave a legacy behind? There is no right or wrong way to go through university. There is just your way or someone else’s. Which one did you chose? When you throw that cap in the air, look back and feel really proud of what you did.

2) The Job- Someone intelligent once said “Find a job that you love and you will never have to work a single day” But be mindful, the love for job is not love at first sight. It will take time. Just give it some. As a moody girlfriend, there will be good days and erm.. very good days (haha no rookie mistakes here for me ;) ) and learn to adapt. As much as we like to believe we are good at something, there is always someone better. In addition if you can just spread some smiles, its added bonus! And remember whatever the situation, you will have a better day when you don’t lose your cool than when you do. If I may, then I will say this, do something different at work, no one stands out for doing the same thing the same way !

3) Love- What do we love? Who do we love? Why do we love? I always believed that love is a very selfish thing. We love something/someone because of the way they make us feel. We meet thousands of different people. Everyone makes us feel differently. But few, very few, make you feel like the beatles song, “All you need is love” ;) Well and it can come from anyone, anywhere when you least expect it and when you do, hold on to that for as long as you can! Be it a friend, a best friend, a special friend, the love of your life or a total stranger. Because not everyone get to get so much love and I for one have been very lucky! So do a bit more loving y’all

4) Dancing- Well last year was pretty significant in terms of dance, Lot of events, lots of dancing and lots of learning. But most importantly dance was a means to touch lives, tell a story, express some heartfelt feelings and to inspire some really fantastic people to dance. These were my wonderful dancers to be precise. It takes a lot to make people trust you and face their fears on that stage. But when the moment ends with a rousing applause it’s all worth it. The amount of respect and pride I got this year, being my last in the university dance scene, was very overwhelming. Still remains one of the best moments ever. But most importantly it gives an immense sense of humility once you are there. Take all the adulation you get, but always always start back at square one

5) Parents – My Dad always said, “If tomorrow you grow up and become a grass cutter, be the best damn grass cutter in the whole wide world” Some impossible mantra that was to live up to, but well was damn fun to try to. He was proud of me I could tell. I am very proud of him. He wasn’t the hero type, but he sure was the best guide and support so I could be one. He gave me a lot of lessons. Class over crass, A simple heart is the best way to attract someone and he told me, If you ever go out with a girl make sure you take her to a good restaurant, ladies like the treatment. Thanks for all the help with the ladies, Dad. We have a lot to talk when we finally meet.

Well I had an eventful year, to say the least. It might very well have a deep impact on going forward. But I will go forward. Each day is a gift. I will not wait till tomorrow to unwrap it. Who knows what might happen tomorrow, who knows if the world is ending this year, Who knows if I can be all that I want to be. Well I know I am alive today and I will do the best to feel alive each and every day. There is no shortage of love in this world; we all just have to rise above our petty issues to see them. He didn’t call me, she talks behind my back, he pesters me when I am not interested in him, She doesn’t reciprocate my feelings, He doesn’t hangout with us, she hates me, I hate him, we are different, we can’t get along Let this not be the year of these issues. Open your hearts a little more, open your arms a little more. I believe no one ever gets up in the morning thinking Today I will spoil someone’s day! So give people a chance, believe in positives. After all being happy is in your hands. Let 2012 begin, I am very excited to see what this year holds for me, good and bad alike. I gotta feeling…that this year will be special.

Here’s wishing all of you a very happy new year! May you get all that you want, may you have the clarity to know what you want. A very happy new year to friends and family. Breathe easy stay happy! :)

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